Description: The Finance Council assists the Priest/Pastoral Council in planning and administering all parish financial matters. The Finance Council is directed by the faithful stewardship of the Gospel as well as by sound business practices. Efficient and effective use of parish resources must be measured as much by their contribution to the parish mission and ministry as by commonly accepted business standards.
The Finance Council is composed of the priest and 3 – 9 active members of the parish who are knowledgeable and skilled in financial matters. Members are appointed by the priest for a 3-year rotating term, renewable for a second 3-year term. Those appointed to the Council cannot be relatives of the priest or other parish employees.
Meetings: The meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of January, March, May, July, September and November.
Nominations: While new Council members are appointed, the priest would appreciate your assistance identifying parishioners who possess the necessary skills and who are willing to serve on the Council. New Council members begin their terms in August each year.
Description: Staff and Volunteers that meet often to assist the parish and priests in helping the parsih grow in prayer, study, generosity and evanglization.
Need: Volunteers to help in the different events and activities .
Description: The Cemetery Board oversees the maintenance of the two cemeteries owned by St. Gregory’s Parish. St. Mary’s and St. Patrick’s Cemeteries are located on East South Avenue, east of Business Highway 71 (Main Street) near Deluxe Manufacturing.
The Board’s goal is to maintain the appearance of the cemetery grounds which includes mowing and decorating for Memorial Day. They also take note of and follow the regulations for head stone size, maintain the cemetery funds, and pay bills.
Meetings: The group holds working meetings, called work parties, once in the spring and once in the fall. During these meetings, board members and volunteers meet at the cemeteries to tidy the grounds. Additional meetings-for example to clean up after a major storm-may be scheduled if needed.
Needs: Volunteers are needed to decorate for Memorial Day and to attend the work parties. Money is needed for the perpetual care of the cemeteries (mowing, stone care, etc.)
Description: The Maintenance Committee is made up of parish volunteers interested in helping with the maintenance of the buildings and grounds on our campus. We are an advisory committee to the pastor, environmental director and business manager concerning repairs, equipment replacements, remodels of our buildings and grounds upkeep. We review request made by department heads and parishioners and make the appropriate recommendations to the staff.
Meetings: We meet from September thru April on the last Monday of each month or as needed upon the request of parish administrators.
Parishioners are encouraged to help care for their place of worship and learning. The use of volunteers for many of these projects helps reduce the expenses for our parish.
We invite anyone who might be interested in helping with this parish mission to please contact the parish office and someone will get back with you to answer any question you might have.
Description: St. Gregory’s utilizes a software program called Ministry Scheduler Pro to schedule ministers. Glenda Conover and Chris Kuhlemeyer take care of the scheduling. People are encouraged to list Mass preferences and times they are unable to serve every three months. Parishioners with no computer access are encouraged to sign up in the office, where their names are added to the program. Hard copies of the schedules are then printed for those without computers.
Ministers are able to request substitutes and accept substitute positions either on the app or by calling the office.
The program alerts those serving before scheduled times.
Needs: Currently the schedulers are covered.
Description: Upon the death of a loved one, the family meets with the parish Funeral Coordinator who helps the family prepare for the wake, funeral, and/or graveside service. The Coordinator then serves as the contact person for the priest, the funeral home, the family, and those involved with the liturgies. The Funeral Coordinator also informs the family of ways the parish can be of assistance; for example, the Parish Office can prepare a printed program with the order of service and a list of family members and the Ladies Guild can organize a funeral dinner.
A service to pre-plan funeral liturgies and prayer services is also made available. Everyone is encouraged to think about and plan ahead for their own funeral. Parishioners may pick up a packet to pre-plan from the Parish Office, the Funeral Coordinator, or online at the Parish Website. This pre-planning can be done with family members, discussing the place for the burial, desired liturgical aspects of the funeral, and any financial and legal steps taken, including the placement of important papers.
Funeral Pre-Plan
Volunteers: The Funeral Coordinator is appointed by the Parish Priest.
Kari Simpson, Carol Owens, Mary Jo Barmann, and Dave Williams are currently serving as funeral coordinators.
Needs: Volunteers to help to assist at funerals. Also, the Ladies Guild provide refreshments or a meal before or after the funeral for the family when requested.
Description: The Coordinator offers a free and invaluable resource for the couple and parish alike. The coordinator helps the engaged couple decide the logistics of the wedding ceremony and/or Mass. This includes aspects of the ceremony such as the procession and recession order, usher duties, church decoration options, memorial table, and guest table suggestions.
Meetings: Engaged couples desiring to be married at St. Gregory’s church should contact the Parish Office to set up an appointment with the Wedding Coordinator at least six to nine months before the wedding date.
Couples also need to contact and meet with Director of Marriage Preparion, who currently is Cari Ramold.
Needed: The Wedding Coordinator is appointed by the parish priest. Those interested in being a Coordinator or a Substitute Wedding Coordinator, should contact the Parish Office. Currently our lead Coordinators are Carla and Gary Herman. Mary Jo Barmann is also a helper.
Description: The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic fraternal organization with over 2 million members in 17 countries worldwide. The Order was founded in 1882 upon the principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism.
Maryville Knights of Columbus Council #1339, which was chartered in 1908, is involved in numerous projects which support activities in the areas of Faith, Family, Community and Life. A brief listing of programs includes: running the P.A.T. Van on nights and weekends; holding Lenten Fish Fries; doing a youth basketball tournament; working on the Habitat for Humanity house; and hosting various faith formation opportunities. The Knights also provide financial support for: St. Gregory’s Church, School and Youth Group; seminarians; the Newman Center at Northwest; The Source pregnancy resource center; Respect Life events; Special Olympics Missouri; Camp Quality Northwest Missouri; the American Wheelchair Mission; as well as a variety of other local, state-wide and Order-wide initiatives.
The council also holds a variety of Social Events throughout the year for Knights and their families.
Membership: The requirements for membership are to be a practical Catholic male who is 18 years or older.
Meetings: The Knights conduct a monthly business meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Knights Meeting Room in the basement of the Rectory.
Description: With the goal of “Helping Knights to Help Others,” the Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary is both a social and a charitable organization. The organization contributes to many community and church programs; for example, they have provided support for Ben’s Stockings for Hope, St. Gregory’s School, and for help at The Source Pregnancy Center. The Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary sponsors the Mardi Gras brunch as their main fundraiser to help with these projects.
Meetings: The Auxiliary meets at 7:00 pm on the 4th Monday of each month in the Rectory basement, the Knights of Columbus Hall.
Description: The Women’s Guild is a social and service group of women. The Guild, through its dues and fundraisers, pays for the following parish expenses: altar bread, wine, candles, communion cups and chalices, albs, and vestments. The Guild also provides important services including meals after funerals and soup suppers after parish events such as Reconciliation Services. One of the Guild fundraisers is the December Sweet Shop which has become a greatly anticipated parish tradition.
Meetings: At this point in time, the Guild doesn’t hold meetings, though it is suggested that we try to revitalize this organization to include meetings, possible trips, and spiritual enrichment.
Memberships: All women of the parish over 18 years of age are considered members of the Women’s Guild. Dues are $5 per year.
Funeral Dinners: The Funeral Dinner ministry is a much appreciated service to families who hold their funeral services at St. Gregory’s Church. These families find having lunch prepared for them after the funeral of a loved one quite comforting as the family can relax and reminisce with their friends and family in one place.
Volunteers: There is a great need for volunteers to be in charge of the cooking for the funeral dinners. Because the parish recognizes that volunteers may not be available to cook for every dinner, having a pool of willing volunteers available will help with scheduling and allow the parish to continue this special ministry.
Parishioners can also volunteer to help the head cook prepare and serve the food or be a caller who telephones for workers, salads, and desserts. Ada Mae Wilmes puts together a list of chair people for the month who take the responsibility of calling volunteers for funerals that month.
All Guild members are also asked to volunteer to bring desserts or salads to funeral dinners on a rotating basis. Requests are made by volunteers using the Guild calling tree. This is a wonderful way to not only support the Guild, but also a way you can support a family in their time of need.
St. Anne’s Circle: St. Anne’s Circle has two goals: to promote religious education and to welcome everyone in St. Gregory’s parish community. The Circle also performs many service projects, including providing refreshments, making rosaries, and offering support to new mothers.
Meetings: St. Anne’s Circle meets at 6 pm on the 3rd Wednesday of each month (excluding January, April, and October).
St. Gerard’s Circle: This circle is not currently active. If you would like to restart this circle please contact the parish office. St. Gerard’s Circle makes quilts for the St. Gregory’s community. To raise money for its projects, St. Gerard’s Circle holds an annual raffle for a homemade quilt.
Meetings: This Circle meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 1:30 pm in the Leitner Room, located next to the St. Gregory School gymnasium.
St. Theresa’s Circle: St. Therese Circle is very active serving the parish and community in little ways. Some examples of things done in the past include: making baptismal gowns, donating items to the Women and Children’s Center and The Source, Sacristan duties, Rosary Rally in October, Valentines for residents in the Nursing Homes, helping clean at the Abbey Infirmary, cards for those who are ill, providing food for Manna Kitchen, helping at the Ministry Center, supplying Bingo prizes to nursing homes, and other “little” things.
Meetings: The first Monday of most months at 1:00 pm .
Volunteers: All women of the parish are welcome to join any circle at any time.