Description: Adults have the ability to influence the spirituality of the entire parish by using their knowledge to educate their children, their parents, and their peers. As outlined in Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us: A Pastoral Plan in the United State, Adult Faith Foundation (AFF) is committed to renewing the faith of adults by implementing programs that focus one or more of the following elements: knowledge of the faith, liturgical life, moral formation, prayer and communal life and missionary spirit. Three goals of AFF are to invite and enable ongoing conversion to Jesus in holiness of life, to promote and support active membership in the Christian Community and to call and prepare adults to act as disciples in mission to the local community.
Meetings: A variety of Adult Faith Formation Program are offered each season. Scheduled classes and sessions are scheduled and posted in the bulletin and Gathering Space.
Need: Help our Parish deliver spiritual studies by volunteering to be a group leader or co-group leader.
Description: RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is for adults considering joining the Catholic Church. Participants include those who have never been baptized, who were baptized in a non-Catholic Christian church, or who were baptized in the Catholic Church and are now seeking to complete the rest of the sacraments of Christian Initiation (Confirmation & Eucharist). Fully-initiated Catholics are also welcome to sit in on any particular class if they wish to learn more about a certain Catholic doctrine like Mary or the Eucharist.
Volunteers Needed:
RCIA Presenters: Help in presenting different topics to the RCIA canidates.
RCIA Sponsors: Some RCIA class members are college students who are not from Maryville, so local RCIA sponsors are always needed. RCIA sponsors need to be good role models of the Catholic faith, attending Mass every Sunday and Holy Days of Obligation and following the teachings of the Catholic Church. The sponsor also needs to show support for candidates by attending classes with them each Sunday and by being available and willing to help them along their spiritual journey during the year.
Hospitality Team: Parishioners can support the candidates by donating homemade meals or snacks for the RCIA participants while they are attending classes.
Description: The Infant Baptism Preparation class is for parents who are baptizing their first child in the Catholic faith. Information is given about the importance of the sacrament and about raising children to develop a love for Christ and to understand what it means to live a Christian life.
Parents need to contact the Parish Office to schedule a Baptism date. A date and time will be scheduled as needed. This class can be taken at least three months prior to the desired Baptismal date and preferably before the birth of the child.
Meetings: Meetings are typically held in the Church by the Baptismal Font or possibly in the Parish Hall (if necessary). Children are welcome if childcare is not available for the parents. Classes will be advertised when possible through Parish Soft email and/or in the bulletin. Information on classes is also available in the Parish Office.
Volunteers: Currently Miraya Barmann is the Infant Baptismal Preparation Coordinator.
Description: The year a student is confirmed is an important time for the student, both socially and spiritually.
In our diocese, 9th-grade students are confirmed although if an older high school student missed the sacrament in a previous year, they are also welcome to enroll. Candidates for Confirmation must register with the Director of Religious Education in August.
The Confirmation Ceremony dates are chosen one and a half years in advance by the diocese and presided over the bishop. St. Gregory’s annual Confirmation preparation program begins six months prior to the Confirmation Ceremony date.
Meetings: Classes usually begin in January – which is normally nine months before the Confirmation date. The classes are generally held on Sunday evenings from 6:00 to 7:30 in the Parish Hall. Other scheduled activities such as retreats, service projects, and reconciliation services complete the program.
Parents: Parents are a crucial part of the confirmation process. More than any class the parents’ example and testimony will determine the faith of their child. Parents are challenged to step up in their faith to lead there teen closer to God.
Cathy Hall is our current Confirmation Leader
Teachers: Three or four Confirmation co-teachers and three of four substitute Confirmation teachers are needed. The exact number of teachers needed depends on the number of candidates. If there is a large Confirmation group, they will be divided into two smaller groups during the preparation program.
Prayer Partners: People are needed to invest their time to pray for Confirmation students during their sacramental year.
Drivers: A couple of drivers are needed to transport students to retreats, service projects, and other activities.
Description: Eucharistic Adoration is spending quiet time in the presence of the Lord to deepen ones’ spiritual relationship with Christ.
Schedule: Adoration is held every Wednesday following 8:00 Mass until 6 PM. During the school year, Benediction is scheduled at 6:15. Adoration is also held every Friday morning at 6:30 AM until Mass begins at 8:00 AM.
Volunteers: Volunteers are needed to be in Adoration during all scheduled times.
Description: Our prayer group is made up of people who are willing to pray for others as requested. Group texts may be sent via Flocknote for special prayer requests. All prayer request are kept confidential. To join the prayer group, simply check the box "Prayer Group" on St. Gregory's Flocknote or sign-up by using the form below on this page.. To request prayers, call the Parish Office.
Meet: Does not meet. Michele Starke is the lead for this ministry.
A group of ecumenical men who meet on a regular base to study books an religion and spirituality.
Meet: Men's group meets Saturday mornings at 7:00 am.
Children’s Liturgy of the word is a program designed to help young children understand the Gospel reading through readings, songs, crafts, and activities. The lessons are tailored for young children between preschool and first grade (around ages 3 – 6).
Meetings: Liturgy of the Word programs are held in the Parish Office or Parish Hall on Sundays at the 10:30 am Mass during the Liturgy of the Word portion of the Mass. Programs begin the weekend after Labor Day in September and continue until the last weekend in April, excluding holiday weekends and Christmas break. To participate, children do not need to register. During Mass, the priest simply invites the children in attendance to participate. Interested children join their teacher(s) in front of the altar where the priest blesses the group. Following the blessing, the students and teacher(s) go to the Parish Office or Parish Hall for their class.
Volunteers: Three to four Liturgy of the Word teachers are needed to teach at the 10:30 am Mass on a rotating basis. Substitute teachers are also needed throughout the year. As craft materials are prepared in advance by the Director of Religious Education; teachers only need to familiarize themselves with the lesson and activities beforehand. Those interested in working with some of our youngest parishioners should contact the Director of Religious Education. High School students are encouraged to help out with Liturgy of the Word once a month.
CGS is a common religious experience involving children and adults in which the religious values of childhood, primarily those values of contemplation and enjoyment of God, are predominant. This experience is shared in a place particularly prepared for the religious life of children called the Atrium. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Method involves training for the leader. If interested in training for this, contact the church office or Fr. Albert.
Volunteers are needed to assist the leader with the children as they work in the atrium.
The Little Saints program is geared toward all Pre-K through 4th graders. The aim of the catechesis, or handing on the faith, is to help children to be in communion with our Savior Jesus Christ.
The classes begin with praising God through song, learning about a saint, then spending 15 minutes or so in Adoration and receiving Benediction. The children then go to two different stations. In one station they actively learn about the following Sunday’s Gospel, doing activities to help them begin to understand the Word of God. In the other station, teachers help the children learn about the faith traditions of the Catholic Church so that they may be a beacon of light to the world, living out Christ’s words and example in their family and community. Mission projects are encouraged at different times of the year such as a “baby shower” to bring items to the local Pregnancy Crisis Center, caroling at Nursing Homes, or collecting “Pennies for Heaven.”
Classes: Little Saints meet Wednesday evening from 6:00 to 7:30 pm. They begin in the Parish Hall, move to the church, and finally to classrooms in the school. Classes begin after Labor Day and end the last weekend in April. Parents should contact the Religious Education Director to register their children. Forms are also available in the Parish Office and on our web page.
Volunteers: Approximately 12 volunteer teachers (2 per grade) are need to teach the Little Saints classes. In addition, five or six substitute teachers are needed to fill in as Religious Education teachers on an as-needed basis.
The middle school youth ministry program is called EPIC. The purpose of EPIC is to provide our 5th – 8th-grade youth with a regularly scheduled opportunity to gather in fellowship, break bread, and to engage in faith-building activities. Youth begin their evening by sharing a meal at 6:30 pm and at 7 start their faith-building activity. The evening finished by 8 pm with prayers.
Volunteers: Lots of volunteers are needed for this program. First of all, volunteers are needed to cook for M & M nights on a rotating basis. Other volunteers are needed to set up, to clean up, and to assist with faith-building activities.
Adult volunteers are also needed to be drivers/chaperones during events like roller skating, the ½ Lock-in, and the Red Barn Dance.
Description: High School Youth Group is always searching for volunteers to assist in a variety of facets. At certain events, we may need a meal provided, drivers to an event, and guest speakers to share their faith journey with our youth. Other various activities and roles may need to be filled every year, and if you have an interest in volunteering, please reach out to our youth leaders to assist or fillout the form below.
Our current lead is Jacob Struemph
Description: St. Gregory’s Parish hosts a week-long program for the all the Parish youth from Pre-School to High School students. It features a host of awesome activities for everyone! While each year has a different theme and focuses on a different aspect of our rich Catholic heritage, it is always a fun-filled week spent learning about faith and encountering Jesus Christ.
Meetings: Kidz Camp is held one week during the summer, generally in July at St. Gregory’s Parish and School. Students may enroll whether they are Catholic or practice another faith tradition.
Volunteers: There are a variety of ways adults, junior high or high school students can volunteer. Classroom helpers are needed to assist in classrooms and at recess. A hospitality team is needed to help set-up and clean-up after snacks and meals. Volunteers are also needed to donate daily snacks and beverages for the children.
Description: RCIC (Rite of Christian Initiation of Children) is based on the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) model. RCIC is for those children seeking to possibly join the Catholic Church and who have never been baptized or were baptized in another non-Catholic Christian Church. RCIC has been designed for children/youth who are older than the age of reason, from 7 – 18 years old. If a candidate is beyond high school, they should participate in the RCIA program instead.
Meetings: Meeting times and dates are set to accommodate the schedules of the family/families of the candidate and the teacher. The meetings are located at St. Gregory’s Parish.
Volunteers: Two RCIC teachers are needed to teach an overview of the Catholic faith, including sacramental preparation, to the candidate. Additionally, one or two substitute teachers are needed to fill in on an as-needed basis. Each teacher needs to be able to address the students according to their developmental stage and ability. Moreover, depending on the number and grade level(s) of students, classes may need to be taught on an individual basis or in a combined grade format.
Description: The safety of our children comes first. The VIRTUS® Training class, also known as “Protecting God’s Children,” is a diocesan program that EVERYONE who will be working with children/youth in any capacity is mandated to attend. This program teaches professionals as well as school, parish, and minor volunteers about how to prevent child abuse by recognizing warning signs of predators, safe and unsafe situations, and boundary violations. It also presents information about mandatory reporting and other issues. Participants must register online (or fill in paper work) on A Background Check is required, as well as signing a Volunteer’s Code of Conduct, which are all done online when registering for the class.
Class: Completion of the training must occur before one begins working with children/youth. Classes are generally scheduled in August and January, however other classes may be scheduled as needed. Exact dates are published in the Parish Bulletin several weeks in advance. The class lasts about 3 hours and is held in the St. Gregory’s Office Meeting Room or the Parish Hall. Those needing to be trained can preregister for St. Gregory’s VIRTUS® Training Class online at Those not having online access can sign up through the Parish Office.
Volunteers: VIRTUS® Training Teachers are selected by the parish priest to complete the diocesan VIRTUS® Facilitator Training. Those interested in becoming a trainer should contact the Parish Office.
Needs: Trainers are needed. Please let the parish office know if you are interested.
Link to Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph VIRTUS Training
Decription: The safety of our children and youth are top priority. The diocese has implemented “Circle of Grace,” a K – 12 program designed for the development and age of the participants. Circle of Grace is a Safe Environment Program that was developed by the Archdiocese of Omaha in response to the US Bishop’s Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People (2002). The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph has adopted this program and mandated its implementation annually to kindergarten through twelfth grades in all parishes and Catholic schools in the diocese. This program teaches minors about recognizing signs of predators; identifying physical, emotional, sexual and spiritual boundaries; and internet safety and how to take action if a boundary is threatened of violated.
Classes: Classes for St. Gregory’s School students (kindergarten through eighth grade) are held during the school. Classes for the children, Middle School, and High School youth are held during Religious Education Classes, as determined by the Director of Religious Education.
Link to Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph SAFE ENVIRONMENT PROGRAM